Infidelity and Faithlessness statistics - Who more frequently cheats: men or women?
What factors determine the number of cheats?
In general, among the factors of cheats are the following:
- Dissatisfaction with sex;
- Prolonged separation due to various reasons;
- Sense of revenge;
- fading of past love and the search for new relationships;
- Self-confidence, desire to assert oneself at the expense of the number of intrigues;
- The opinion of others who believe that cheating is normal;
- Working at a large company;
- Frequent travel or business trips;
- The state of family values at the state level;
- The standard of living in the country or city;
- A person's "hot" temperament;
- Mentality.
But let's note separately that if
- Your partner is bored with you;
- You have problems in your intimate sphere;
- The partner has a sporting interest in the opposite sex;
- He is tired of a boring and monotonous life;
In such situations, the cheating will be either prolonged in time or its number will be higher than it should be.
If your wife has cheated you because of some coincidence (for example, because of the impact of alcohol or during a holiday) and sincerely repents, then, most likely, it is a one-time event and is unlikely to happen again.
But everything is individual and depends on many reasons, so it is difficult to say exactly.
What pushes women and men to cheat?
Faithfulness and infidelity statistics in Russia
Russia is currently one of the leaders in terms of divorce rates: over 90% of marriages break up. And one of the main reasons is infidelity.
What percentage of men cheat on their wives? It is believed that male adultery is the most common.
In fact, about 74% of Russian men cheat on their wives. There are many reasons for this; one of the main is the problem in the intimate sphere of partners.
This is very important for men and if they lack sex, it is much more likely that they will start looking for one night relationships.
It should also be noted that most often young people, mostly between the ages of 25 and 35, who occupy a high position at work, decide to cheat. They believe that the mistress is their status.
How many percent of Russian women cheat? About 6% of Russian women cheat on their husbands. The main reasons for women's infidelity may also be problems in the sexual sphere.
Nevertheless, Russian women much more inclined to find ways to solve existing problems and work on relations. Therefore, they are less likely to be solved for treason.
In addition, sex with another man can grow into pregnancy from women. And who wants to raise a child who was conceived as a result of infidelity of the wife?
At the same time, there are still such data: 3% of women in marriage cheated with men who also have a family, that is, with married women.
Again, women who have a higher education and a solid job are more likely to be intrigued by the outside. Especially if their position and wealth is higher than that of their husbands.
Who cheats more, husbands or wives?
Let's start with the fact that it is absolutely impossible to say exactly who is cheating more and more often.
Although such studies are conducted in the form of anonymous questionnaires or questionnaires, not everyone is ready to admit that they took sides.
Although men's betrayal is more stigmatized in society, men are more likely to commit adultery.
Many believe that the very fact of family life pushes them to taste the forbidden fruit, that is, to have an intrigue in secret from their spouses. But there are other reasons.
Women have a different attitude to the relationship; they are always determined to keep them, to work on them.
Therefore, it is much harder for them to decide to change their spouse. However, in recent years the situation has changed.
This is due to the struggle of the beautiful sex for equal rights. Thanks to this, many girls have realized that they are independent and strong and can also have lovers or go left periodically.
Is it possible to guess in advance whether a man is inclined to change? Learn from the video:
How many percent of guys and girls cheat on each other? With regard to relationships outside of marriage, it would seem that the indicators here should be higher. After all, in fact, the partners did not swear allegiance to each other.
But the research shows the opposite. Only 40% of guys and 15% of girls cheat on their halves. Why so?
1- Relationships are not limited to freedom, but the forbidden fruit is sweet. To put it simply, people simply feel that they can change at any time, but do not do so. In marriage, however, it is often the lack of freedom that puts pressure on it (especially for husbands), so it is often decided to commit adultery while in a marital union.
2- If you are in a relationship, you can disperse at any time without much trouble. I met someone, fell in love strongly and that's all, you can just part with your partner. In the same marriage, usually, there are children, and the procedure of divorce is not the most pleasant. In addition, society is negative when the marriage breaks up. Therefore, it is much easier to do everything secretly, on the side.
So many girls who believe that as soon as they get the desired ring on their finger and stamp in their passports, and then the men do not go anywhere from them - are very wrong.
Just the opposite. Representatives of the strong sex often perceive relationships in marriage as a restriction of their freedom.
Especially if the wedding was by calculation, by arrival, because relatives and friends say that it's time or because the girl put an ultimatum. It is in such marriages that treason is most common.
In this matter, it is important to keep in mind that many people allow "free relations", when you are like together, but you can go for a walk with anyone you want, including sleeping.
However, such intimate adventures are not considered treason. But this only works if both partners agree to this type of relationship. Otherwise, nothing good will come of it.
Thus, statistics show that men change much more often.
However, these statistics are very superficial in nature, because not many are ready even in the questionnaire to admit that they are unfaithful to their partner.
In addition, the results of the survey vary greatly depending on how many people and where were interviewed, what their status is and other things.
Marriage is a goal that many young boys and girls aspire to, as a sign of their love and loyalty.
Modern statistics of treason in Russia and other countries is shocking and the question arises: where does the old love, purity and devotion disappear?
All newlyweds after the wedding hope for a long life together, full of happiness and love.
Unfortunately, the times when divorce was a rarity and treason was condemned, are a thing of the past and today many couples are faced with betrayal and infidelity on the part of a life partner.
Psychologists have revealed that loyalty and trust are the fundamental foundations for a happy marriage.
Cheating, infidelity and faithlessness statistics in Russia:
At the moment Russia occupies the leading positions in the world by the number of divorces, overtaking Ukraine, the Netherlands and Belarus. Thus, more than 90% of marriages break up, and half of them did not survive even one year.
Social surveys have shown that the reasons for the dissolution of the long-awaited union may be several: alcoholism, drug addiction, lack of own living space, inability to have children, as well as interference of relatives in family life.
The main reason for divorce is treason, and it is also possible that it is a factor that reduces the desire of lovers to get married at all.
The statistics of infidelity in Russia looks rather disappointing: almost 75% of men cheat on their wives in the course of their lives together, while 25% of the weak half of mankind are looking for comfort and support not from their legal companion, but from their lovers.
As early as 20-30 years ago, marriage was considered to be something sacred and secret, but today, due to falling moral standards, people do not appreciate the family structure. As a result, not only the husband and wife, but also their children are unhappy.
According to the analysis carried out by sociologists and psychologists, the factors leading to changes in marriage include:
1. Sexual frustration in marriage.
2. Fading of feelings and search for new love.
3. Long separation.
4. Lack of self-confidence, which is satisfied with the search for an "affair on the side".
5. Revenge.
6. Influence of others. (2% of women and 0.5 men married to change their companionship on the advice of friends or acquaintances).
At first glance, ridiculous reasons lead to shocking data all over the country, and also lead to a wrong view of marriage and family. Each year, there is an increase in the number of adulteries and divorces that affect children together first and foremost
Statistics on men's infidelity in Russia show that about 60% of husbands meet mistresses who are also married and only 11% have relationships with single women.
Despite the fact that many want to hide their transgressions and continue to "play" in a happy and loyal family, the relationship on the side of the sooner or later become known to all family members.
Only 3% of men are ready to marry their mistresses. At the same time, about 30% of sons imitate the behavior of the father, respectively; the girls follow the example of the mother.
Despite the fact that men change more often, women do not remain flawless in this matter. In Russia, almost 70 per cent of women have connections with married men, while 12 per cent of wives have affairs with their neighbors and treason takes place directly within their own walls.
Motivation for infidelity can be very different:
- Dissatisfaction with their own marriage;
- Alcohol intoxication;
- Answer to rudeness or adultery.
It can be concluded that if a marriage breaks up due to adultery, it is the fault of both spouses, who have found an easy way to satisfy their own desires, in the hope of avoiding the difficulties of family life.
Did the betrayal of the loved one lead to radical measures? Learn how to avenge your husband for treason.
It is also worth remembering that if there has been treason in the family at least once, the likelihood that a son or daughter will do the same in their own family is 85%.
Infidelity in other countries
Treason is not only common in the former Soviet Union. Marital infidelity is widespread in the USA, Italy, Sweden, France, England and Germany.
Divorce statistics in the world is the main indicator by which we can judge the fragility of modern marriage.
The highest level of divorce was noted:
- Belgium;
- United States of America;
- Portugal;
- Czech Republic;
- Sweden;
- Hungary.
If you combine the statistics of infidelity and divorce, you can conclude that treason plays a decisive role in the lives of many families around the world.
In some countries, there are high penalties that are a deterrent to many men and women. In Muslim countries, for example, treason is treated as a crime punishable by law up to and including the death penalty (Iran). In today's Turkey, an unfaithful spouse can be sentenced to 5 years in prison, in Indonesia to 15 years, and in Afghanistan to 10 years.
Historical evidence confirms that adultery has been the most punishable form of treason at all times, as no one wanted to raise another's child and pass on the inheritance to him or her.
Falling moral standards and lack of judicial punishment in the modern world leads to increased cases of adultery and divorce. In addition, monogamous marriages have increased worldwide in recent years and have become legal in some countries.
Are you afraid of a new betrayal? Learn how to build a new relationship after a divorce.
About the impact of parental divorce on children.
How to survive a betrayal of her husband?
Is there a way out of this family crisis in many countries? Of course, it is necessary to revise the family ideology both independently and within the state.
What Russia calls the problem of family relations, in other countries can be considered as immorality and sexual crime, so do not look for excuses after committing adultery and blame the imperfection of once beloved companion of life.
Infidelity statistics
Surveys of men have shown that treason occurs because of a strong sexual desire for women.
Alcohol, low level of responsibility or weakness of character prevent them from containing their fervor. Scientists have proven that the higher the intelligence, the less change. A smart, educated man fights temptations by analyzing the consequences, such as:
- A divorce;
- Division of property;
- Children who will have to be rarely seen.
Condemnation of relatives and friends, a complete change of atmosphere and circle of communication can stop her husband on the way to treason.
Many husbands only change their minds. They do with flirting and correspondence on social networks. Such people do not want to change the established life to unknown prospects, and thanks to them the statistics of change does not rise to the top.
It has always been thought that men's sexual relations are more important than those of the weaker sex. They and the companion choose not so much by external data, but by sexual desire.
And yet, for some reason, the woman they love is not enough.
Statistics say that the age at which husbands cheat on their wives more often is 25-35 years. The first betrayal occurs during the pregnancy of the wife - the reason for the lack of sex. Many husbands have one mistress for five years or more. The more sociable the guy is, the more likely he is to commit adultery. Male temperament also matters. The higher the libido, the stronger the desire.
Indicators of cheating vary considerably from country to country. Loyalty also depends on such factors:
- National mentality;
- The country's policy of promoting family values;
- Public attitudes towards marital fidelity.
In Russia, the figure is as follows: 75% of men and 25% of women are unfaithful to their halves. In Europe the precentage is higher. And in some countries it is much lower. Thus, Muslims are only 3% unfaithful to their husbands, and this question does not apply to a Muslim man who has more than one wife. Interestingly, women decide to cheat three, seven and twenty years after the wedding.
The reasons why guys and girls cheat are different. If women lack understanding, affection and attention, men's banal sexual desire can spoil relationships and marriage.
Treason in Russia is a valid reason to dissolve the marital union, in part because of this the statistics of divorce in our country is so high.
Infidelity in Russia and in the world
Different countries have different attitudes towards change. In European countries, for example, infidelity to a spouse is, if not the norm, quite commonplace. At the same time, in Muslim countries, this is almost non-existent, and women are particularly reluctant to commit adultery.
One of the reasons is the punishment for infidelity. In Turkey, for example, treason against a husband or wife can be a reason for imprisonment.
Europe is more tolerant in this regard. It's all about the mentality and habits of people. In Denmark, for example, women's sexual freedom is considered one of their rights, while in Finland sex on the outside is treated as a practice and experience. Italians and Spaniards cannot overcome their passionate temperament, the French have always been sensual, and the stuck-up Britons prefer secret treason.
The percentage of the number of changes is distributed as follows:
- Thailand, 56%;
- Denmark - 46%;
- Italy and Germany - 45% each;
- France - 43%;
- Norway - 41%;
- Belgium: 40%;
- Spain - 39%;
- United Kingdom and Finland - 36%
In Russia, treason is considered unacceptable and is often a reason for divorce. At the same time, men change several times more often than women.
Women of the weaker sex rarely forgive their husband's infidelity and, as a rule, prefer to end any relationship with him. Men are also rarely able to forgive treason, but are not always ready to file for divorce. One of the reasons for this is that children often stay with their mother after the divorce.
Cheating statistics
In Russia, the statistics are slightly different from other countries. In infidelity to spouses can be found both wives and husbands, but still men are more likely to be unfaithful. At the same time, 80% of both sexes believe that it is better to keep the fact of treason a secret.
Men tend to be infidels at a young age - 25-35 years old. Women start to look "to the left" a little later - in 35-40 years. The profession also influences the propensity for change. Most often, brokers and bankers change their professions. The second place is occupied by pilots and stewardesses, as well as those who travel frequently. Also in the "risk zone" are health and art workers, businessmen and lawyers.
If we talk about the duration of the relationship on the side, it usually lasts about a month:
- One night, 15%;
- More than four weeks - 60%;
- Over six months to 25%.
Also interesting are the statistics of places where people cheat on their other partners:
- At home, 50%;
- On nature, on a picnic, in a country house - 30%;
- In hotel rooms and rented apartments - 20%.
Despite such frightening statistics, infidelity to the second half is considered a negative phenomenon. 78% of men and 84% of women have a negative attitude towards treason. This means that people still believe in the value of marriage and family.