How to Attract Russian women without saying a word
Attracting Russian women without saying a single word all boils down to the art of allurement and seduction. You can make a contact with a Russian woman without saying a single word to her by using your own body language, for example by flashing a good smile and making deep eye contact. We know it is a little bit hard and tricky to guess how the woman will respond to your flirtation, however using these methods and techniques at the right time and on the right Russian woman, will attract this woman to you.
So here are the techniques:
1- Show confidence. Russian women are attracted to men who are open, confident and not shy.
2- Smile. Give the woman a friendly, pleasant and warm, smile. This will definitely catch a woman's eye and make her know you are interested in knowing her.
3- Practice good hygiene habits and dress well. Russian women are attracted to men who take good care of themselves. When you are out, check that your are smelling good, shaved, your clothes are not wrinkled. Remember your first impression on a woman is a lasting impression.
4- Avoid sitting with your arms crossed or with your back turned to the Russian women you are trying to attract. This will show that you don't want to be bothered and are uninterested. These are not the signals you are trying to send to her, aren't you?
5- Get a Russian woman's attention by making eye contact with her. As soon as you get that contact, look deeply into her eyes. Remember not to stare for a long time; doing that may give her a very wrong signal. Catch her look, gaze deeply into her eyes, then rapidly move your look from her eyes to her hair or lips and then back to her eyes once more. Remember never ever look at her breast and legs as that could scare her.
More information about the techniques for attracting Russian women
You want her! But she is so unapproachable. She is just a goddess! How can you make her pay attention to herself without making any effort? How to attract a girl ?
Russian women are different. Strong, passionate. Calm, cold. Restrained, fashionable. To comprehend all the secrets of the female soul - it can take more than one life. Yes, and is he, this limit of the female soul? Every time we think there is one, the woman turns to us with a new, unknown side. Unknown even to herself. Somehow the woman is connected to the very fabric of this reality. (Maybe that's why she is on her side?!) And how many unknown sides of reality do the woman have, too. She can be different every time, always new. Over and over again, changing her face, from a righteous saint to a corrupt sinner. This is the incomprehensible essence of a woman. Maybe that's why it is impossible to know her to the end, as well as life itself.
So, forget about conditional reflexes, trying to attract her precious attention. What helped with training dogs will not pass here. To control a woman it is not enough to learn the strict rules and strictly follow it in any situation. What worked on one - will be completely useless with the other. What helped you once will not help next time. The essence of a woman is that she is uncontrollable, changeable and does not know what she wants. Therefore, to prepare in stock a few effective techniques and wait for the moment for convenient use is not enough.
So then what can help us to sack this attractive game? The techniques are useless or ineffective. It is no secret that in 90% of cases a woman chooses her own man. And then it includes an arsenal of imperceptible seduction, which acts so skillfully that we think that we win it, although in fact we are assigned the role of a hare caught in the trap of a fox. Therefore, it is practically useless to influence this cunning beast, if it does not like you at once.
What's left to do?
It would sound paradoxical, but... accept it. Relax! Put all thoughts of winning it out of your mind. Let it pass by. Look at it with a calm, indifferent look, you will see: it is shocking. She will be interested in what is so different about this man that he is not like everyone else. He doesn't drool, and his head doesn't freeze in one single position, looking at everything below his neck. Act like you're surrounded by people like you men, for example. You don't need anything from her, and you perceive her calmly. You'll see, just invisible magic will work right away. They will start coming up to you, talking to you, cuddling. This is probably what Pushkin, the great classic seducer, meant when he said, "the less the girl we love, the more she likes us.
The secret here is that you really care about her, she even attracts your attention. But you don't show it, and you don't act like you're obsessed with a woman's body, even if you are. As soon as you like her, you automatically start radiating fluids, energy towards her. And she, rest assured, feels it. But since you're holding back your impulses, she gets the unconscious message that you're an intelligent person! She starts to trust you.
And from that moment on you become interesting to her. Now it's up to you how you manifest yourself, which sides of your personality you want to demonstrate.
But in any case, leave the attempts to take the fortress. And it will surrender itself. She will feed you, let you in, and leave you to spend the night. And you will not object, but just give what she needs. It is important to understand one detail. Russian women like to control. Controling the situation and other people, and secretly struggle for this right. Give them the illusion that they control you without showing that you know about it, and you will be irresistible in their eyes. You will be the best of men, even if you are even a Quasimodo with a hump, and holey pants.
After all, have dignity. Yes, sometimes in one place presses directly unbearable, but if you detach yourself from this feeling, forget about what nature requires from you, and just become a reasonable man for a while, you will realize that a Russian woman does not need to chase. In her nature, she wants to have a man by her side. Her weakness: the feeling of love, which she should give to someone constantly. Show her that you are not only interested in sex. What you see in her as a person in the first place. Worthy and free. At the same time, do not forget to pay attention to its beauty. For her it is very important. And she will relax, feel comfortable with you. You will become attractive to her, she herself will not understand why, because, like you, does not understand their feminine nature.
And it will attract her that you have paid attention to all her means of expression of love: feelings, personality, body. Paying tribute to all of them, you have got a woman entirely.