Russian-African love story
Russian girls often fall in love with foreign students who are studying in Russia. After all, they are not like Russian men at all. They have some kind of zest in them and girls don't mind dating even an African! However, most often such a relationship does not end in anything good. After all, young and windy young men usually leave for their homeland and quickly forget their loved ones. But there are stories with a happy ending ...
Natalya was just a young lady from Izhevsk city in Russia. In her first year at university, she met a charming Nigerian student named Jacob. At first they didn’t pay much attention to each other. All talks were about their studies and there wasn't even a hint of a closer relationship. A couple could chat and wish each other a good day.
Four years later, Natasha and Jacob accidentally met in a cafe and talked. Despite the fact that they were so different, they grew up in different parts of the world, they found a lot in common. Natalya was impressed by Jacob, he turned out to be a real gentleman and a very smart man.
All night long, Natalya couldn't sleep a wink and was thinking about the young man all the time. He was so educated, intelligent and well-mannered that she liked him so much. She also was worried about what would her parents and friends think? After all, the attitude towards interracial couples in Russia is quite controversial...
Natasha and Jacob's relationship continued to evolve. They spent a lot of time together and finally lost their heads to each other. The Natalya's parents noticed how much she had changed, and she had an unusual shine in her eyes. However, they could not imagine who her chosen one was.
Jacob's mother flew to Russia from Nigeria once. She approved her son's choice and wondered why they hadn't married yet. She liked Natalya very much as she was beautiful, smart, and would give birth to healthy children. But what was to be done with Natasha's parents? How would they feel about breaking family traditions?
Natalya shouldn't have worried. Her parents had to accept their daughter's choice. They met Jacob, and they had only the most pleasant impression of him. He acted like a real gentleman. Such a man can be trusted with the most precious thing they have - their daughter.
The lovers were in heaven with happiness and decided to get married. All they had to do was decide where to live after the wedding. In Russia, it would have been difficult for Jacob to build a career and provide a decent living for his family, even in spite of his excellent education. So the couple decided to go to his homeland to Nigeria.
Natalya's parents and a new born Jago Max
The paperwork lasted a long nine months. All this time Natasha was languishing in anticipation. Will everything work out well? Luckily, it worked out well. The young family was reunited, and soon they had a charming baby boy, they named him Jago Max.
In a faraway country, Natalya felt quite happy. What else do she need for happiness, if she have a beloved husband and a healthy child? She also quickly got used to the new traditions. She especially liked the fact that in Nigeria children are taught to help their parents from an early age.
By the way, after marriage Natalya found out that Jacob is not a regular Nigerian at all. He belongs to the royal family, the elite caste of the "blue-blooded". So she married not just a simple guy, but a real king!
Jacob's ring is made in the form of Russia and Natasha's in the form of Africa.
This amazing story of a young Russian woman has amazed millions of people … True love destroys any borders!
With their second child