Why are Russian women the most beautiful in the world?
It has long been known that Russian ladies are considered the most beautiful women in the world. Most foreigners who have been to Russia will confirm this: many of them say that they have never seen such attractive women as they saw in Russia. But to please those around, a woman must first of all like herself. As we found in an international study conducted by Philips, our Russian women have no problem with self-confidence. 75% of Russian women consider themselves beautiful - and this figure is the highest in the world after India (94%) and Turkey (89%).
Philips conducted an international survey called "The Beauty Index," in which women from 11 countries, including Russia, participated. The experts set out to find out how women from different parts of the world feel about their own appearance and the beauty industry as a whole.
According to their findings, an absolute majority (76%) of women around the world and 86% in Russia believe that health and beauty are inextricably linked. In their opinion, the key to self-confidence is to be healthy (73%), happy (57%) and in good physical shape (46%). Russians named an attractive body, beautiful eyes, and good skin as the most important characteristics defining the concept of beauty.
Half of the women surveyed in Russia have recently started paying more attention to their daily grooming routine. 72% of them noted that high-tech products such as hair dryers, hair straightness, epilators, and facial cleansers make their lives easier.
However, it was found that 43% of Russian women want to be beautiful "for themselves," and 27% of surveyed women are trying to look good for their partners. Being attractive in the eyes of colleagues is important to 65% of Russian women.
Moreover, respondents are certain that appearance influences their career advancement. At the same time, only 9% of respondents feel pressure from society, the environment or mass media in the area of beauty standards, and over 80% believe that there are no universal standards in this matter.
The perception of beauty is closely related to the development of social media. According to the data, 52% of Russian women take selfies, and for 65% of them it is important to get positive feedback on the publication because it gives them confidence. At the same time, 18% of those surveyed admitted that they would immediately delete a photo if they could not apply a filter or edit it in a way that would make them happy with the result. Only 24% of Russians use social networking sites to learn more about personal care products. The main sources of information about new beauty products and procedures continue to be reviews by friends (the importance of such recommendations was mentioned by 27% of respondents) and magazines (read by 67% of Russian women).