Why a man get nervous when talking to a woman?
Why can't i seem to talk to women without getting nervous?
It's probably something that you have experienced more than once in your lifetime. Getting nervous when you are trying to talk to women is something that a lot of men can relate to, but quite often they feel like the only man who feels that way because it's one of those things that often doesn't get talked about. Most men don't want to admit to their friends that they feel that way, so they just kind of try to deal with it and most of the time that means that nothing really gets better or gets easier.
So, where is the root of the problem of getting nervous when talking to women?
A lot of the time, it has to do with the expectations that you have in your own head. It's feeling like you are probably going to say the wrong thing or something that is going to make her think lowly of you and even though all of that is probably just going on in your mind, it feels very real. That's where the problem seems to stem from for most guys. If that is the case, then the one thing that you are going to have to do is learn to get out of your own head. If you don't - that can end up being your downfall and it is one that you can deal with if you try.
Another common one is a past experience that didn't go that well. Lots of guys have had experiences where they were trying really hard to impress a woman they liked and they found that things didn't go the way that they had hoped and they just keep replaying that situation in their head again and again. Some guys will do that for years and it ends up being a sad thing when you think about it. Having one situation from years ago dictating what you feel like now isn't exactly where you probably would want to end up being.
So, what can you do if you get nervous when talking to a woman?
Do the opposite of what you feel like you really want to do. Because most of the time, the thing that you are going to really want to do if you get nervous around women and you don't like that feeling, avoiding the situation is going to be the first thing that comes to mind. As comfortable of a thought as that might be and as much as you might want to avoid any situation where you might get nervous talking to women - the only thing that comes of that is you avoid the issue and it never really gets any better.
Time and time again, We have seen men get over that feeling of being nervous not too long after they decide to actually deal with it. Yes, they do go through a period of time where they have to feel awkward and uncomfortable but in the end, that is okay. Because if you can get through that period of time where you do feel nervous - you'll almost always find that the feeling lessens and when it does, you'll be less likely to ever avoid talking to women.
Obviously, that is something that you are going to have to do if you are going to be able to attract women successfully. We have never really met a man who avoided situations with women that made them nervous and was really content with their dating life. The two just really do not go hand in hand with one another and that's why you don't want to allow a little thing like feeling nervous get the best of you.