The first date with a Russian woman went bad - was it because you were too shy?
You get what you wanted. She was happy to go out on a first date with you and that made you feel like maybe something good was just about to begin. You might have even imagined that this was going to be an end to your loneliness. This was going to be the beginning of a relationship that would blossom and make you feel happy. Then, when you actually went out with her - something happened. Something that you were hoping would not happen.
You came across very shy. And the first date with her didn't go as you had hoped. It didn't end with a romantic kiss. It ended with you not even being sure if she'd see you again. Not even sure if she had anything close to a good time being out with you. You are thinking - it's because you were too shy.
And you know what?
You are probably right.
It can be awkward and uncomfortable to have a first date with someone, even if you really like them. Anything that makes it even more awkward and uncomfortable can end up being interpreted as a sign that maybe, this just isn't the right person. A lot of people go with the notion that if the sparks are not there on the first date - then maybe there is no reason to even bother with a second date.
Can you learn from this experience? Yes you can.
What you have to realize is that being too shy on a first date with a Russian woman, that is something that you CAN overcome. Don't think that things can never change, that you will always be that way and that there is nothing that you can do about it. Because there are a lot of guys who were once very shy on their first dates who learned to turn things around and today, you'd never know that they were ever shy.
What do you have to do?
Just like anything else - when things need to change, you have to admit that to yourself. You can't suppress the issue and expect that one day it will get better. It's going to take some work, and that means that you have to be able to admit that the work needs to be done in the first place.
If you can get to a place where you know that things have to change, that you have to find a way to beat your shyness ... you can make it happen. It's probably not going to be something that is "fixed" or changed overnight. But, in time, you might find that you'll look back on this experience of having a bad first date because you were too shy and realize that it was the starting point for change. And that's not such a bad thing, is it?