Best qualities of Ukrainian women
One thing that Ukraine is really being proud of is its women. They have some qualities that can not leave any man indifferent.
Attractiveness is one of the best qualities and characteristic traits of Ukrainian women. Though, when we talk about the beauty of Ukrainian women, we mean the natural and normal women, and not those who have fallen under the influence of new fashion for Botox and silicone.
The main quality of all Ukrainian women is without any doubt their passion for beauty. All women in Ukraine like dressing good and look beautiful, but young Ukrainian girls seem to succeed in it more. They do not simply want to be gorgeous. Their goal is to be the most beautiful girls wherever they are, whether it is a working place or on the street.
Every morning a Kiev subway is filled up with so many women who are wearing their best clothes on the way to Kiev downtown. In the Ukrainian capital and big cities it does not only relate to the young women, however. Middle aged women also look like they are ready to defeat the city.
As many Ukrainian women themselves say, their understanding of a female beauty involves looking feminine. That is why most of them always emphasize their femininity. Definitely one of these is high heels. One can often recognize a Ukrainian woman by the wonderful high heels. Shoes are a great focus for any fashionable woman in Ukraine and beautiful shoes are often combined with nicely pedicured toenails.
Many young ladies are taught many things during their childhood, such as playing on musical instruments, dancing, gymnastics, foreign languages, singing, etc. This is something that put in an extra value to their inherent prettiness and brings up such wonderful qualities in them as reliability, responsibility and love for work. Many Ukrainian women are always busy with something and are likely to accomplish good positions at work.
One of the highest merits of Ukrainian women is their persistence and the will to live in spite of the troubles and difficulties many of them face in their lives. Life for a lady in Ukraine is still not easy at all. The Ukrainian society is patriarchal to a larger degree than in other countries, which is why Ukrainian females are expected to submit to their men. The lack of affection and politeness on the men’s part definitely does not make things any easier. If a woman is submissive, she can frequently be found in a circumstance where her husband takes advantage of her by making her work alone and financially take care of the family.
Considering that many Ukrainian ladies get married at a very young age (18-20 years old), it is hard for them to chase their career goals in life with a wrong life partner. Still, in spite of all the difficulties, it is nearly impossible to find a Ukrainian woman who did not adapt to her situation and gave up.
Quotes from the web:
- An American or European woman will instantly fall in love with a man if he has these traits upon first impressions:
1- Can sing.
2- Can dance well.
3- Has a hard body.
4- Is tall.
5- Is confident.
An American or European woman will not fall in love with a man if he has these traits:
1- Nice.
2- Compassionate.
3- Responsible.
4- Goal oriented.
So, it's easy to see why we have a generation of women and men in the USA, Canada and Europe, who have single family homes. We are no longer in it for the long haul and when things get tough we call a divorce lawyer.
US men in today's society are taught that by learning the first five rules, we can score a hot chick. It feels like we're living in an American Idol reality TV shows when it comes to dating these days. Old qualities need to make a comeback.